Monday, September 21, 2009

I Wasn't Aware So Much Was Possible in One Week....

I know that while I write this post, my week won't have seemed as busy or as crazy or as... well nuts. But let me assure you, it was, and it was awesome!

I guess you could claim me to be settled in this metropolis they call Toronto. I haven't finished putting up all of my pre-packaged Ikea shelves or completely hung all of my Thunder Bay nostalgia, but I sleep on a bed now and I consider that pretty settled.
It has been a crazy week. It satisfies me to say that it feels like I've been here for months because that statement reassures myself in thinking I am accomplishing everything I need to as fast as humanly possible. (That was an odd sentence)
I feel that I know the city well enough now that I could find my way anywhere with relative ease. (The Google maps on my phone only assists in 90% of that search haha) I definitely know my area well enough to get around. And slowly but surely I am discovering the beautiful little details that are hidden in the mass of metal and brick. Latest example: An "Authentic Gelatorium" where one can find over 100 flavours of gelato. Ohh little Italy!

It is without question that my immediate musical foundation was placed by my incredible cousin Jay. ( ) He has managed to wedge more than just a foot into the door of the music industry and I am now, without wanting to sound pathetic, hanging by his coattails. As much as I COMPLETELY realize the amount of work that I as an individual will have to contribute to my own success, Jay is a wonderful resource of knowledge and opportunity. Opportunity such as a gig the first week in town!
I played a show last week at a small quaint yet gritty bar named "The Painted Lady". Appropriately dressed interior hung many photos of painted, nude, pretty bare, and famous women. The couture styling laced with chandeliers made for a great first venue in my eyes!
Luckily I would be opening for Jay, as well as another established Toronto musician Peirson Ross ( ) so there was a decent crowd.
All in all the show wasn't one of my greatest successes but I had a decent response, made taste for what there was to expect, AND *drum roll please* scored another gig! wo ho
No, no, some bar owner didn't see my act and demand I play his venue. It was actually Jay's girlfriend who asked me to play (She didn't even see my set) but you know what!? I'll take what I can get!!
The show is this Thursday and is a 3 hour show!!! @ Fitzgeralds (The Beaches) 9-12pm with myself headlining! Well, "headlining" I'm just playing there all night. Apparently the atmosphere is relaxed and fun so it will be a good chance for me to find my Toronto comfort zone and find my playing niches.

In terms of my playing. I've been playing devotedly everyday, much to the assumed discomfort of my townhouse neighbours. I managed to write two complete songs and have two almost done! 4 songs in one week is a good milestone I'd say!
Jay continues to remind me that "riding enthusiasm waves" is key in this business. So I'm doing my best to fire off as many songs as I can while I'm giddy to be here. Once December lonesome kicks in I'm sure the song to day ratio will be plummeting.
We'll handle that mess when we get there!

I also managed to score some full time work at Future Shop close to home. Which means money coming in, so my food can stay stocked. A commission job as well so with Christmas coming I should be able to bank a few bones. Maybe by myself some sweet guitar treats :)

There is the up to dates on my life in the big city. I am creatively tapped right now after writing all day and working all night, so my poetic attempts are lack luster in this post, but hey, sometimes people just want it straight.

I'll provide more detail of life in later blogs. Maybe twice a week updates are necessary, but for now I'm lovin the city and lovin how much one can accomplish is a week! Imagine where I'll be in a year!!
God Speed potential readers!


1 comment:

  1. So glad things are going so well! Love and miss you, Mom xoxo
