Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Hold Your Breath, Sigh Deep and Dream...

I had a moment of complete belittlement on this city evening. As sirens echoed from every corner of my single city window.
Strange however, this moment of feeling so, so small was not accompanied by regret and discouragement but instead inspiration.
As I knelt beside my window and traced the foggy city scape with my finger I realized how absolutely insignificant I was in this metropolis, but at the same time, how little I have to loose and how much there is to gain.
I drove through each tiny town while heading here and I thought to myself, "Man, this city has a population of about 12, and all 12 of those people are going to know who I am when I'm done"

Some people call it ego, I call it fire.

This is day one on my true journey to life. I will dedicate my being to my music and my creation and everyone will know. Everyone will hear.
I challenge myself to give everything I have for I honestly know this is all I want. If I don't make it, I don't want anything else. I have no plan B, because there is nothing else.

I love life. I love how hard this is going to be. I love how 10 minutes of playing will make up for 10 days of starving or struggling.
I love the high I will get when I play and create and.... live fully
I love this feeling of knowing nothing... Its empowering and cause for so much freedom. I know nothing, and will learn everything.

Good morning Toronto, I'm home...
Sirens, sing me a lullaby.

1 comment:

  1. you'll get to check out some sick Jays games!
