Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slowly but Surely the Winds Change...

It boggles me what kinds of events can alter the perception of one's life. From small things like getting a good nights sleep, to much larger things such as being inspired to change your life. Every little event you experience effects the moments after that and, it turn, the moments after those moments.
I woke up yesterday mildly rested but in a good mood. As usual I rolled out of bed and checked my phone for messages/emails, had my breakfast, cleaned up the house somewhat. It was a normal mediocre day.
As the day slowed and the night drew I decided to get a little guitar playing in.
I've been watching concert DVD after concert DVD lately and my inspiration has been teeming.
I had the satisfaction of finally learning an intricate riff of Mr. John Mayer's (who's guitar licks are ones I've always avoided) and I was thus feeling confidant about playing.
As I drifted into my own material however, everything just felt terrible. The songs didn't feel right, I couldn't sing them properly, they didn't have the exciting success they once had.
I quickly realized my trouble, put the guitar down and said to myself "you have loved these songs in the past and will love them again, stop for now and try again another day."
So I did.
Today I woke up in the same fashion, completed the usual tasks and once dusk approached, I attempted, once more, my hand at my music.
This time however everything clicked. The songs felt perfect, I sang them clear and strong and after I was finished I thought, "hey this getting famous stuff won't be THAT hard!"

And now after reflecting on the past days events I wonder why.
Why is it that one day we can feel so bad about ourselves and the next feel confident and incredible? What was it about today that trumped yesterday? How can I syphon all of the positive vibes from today and have them every single day of my life!?
I guess thats what the journey of life is all about. Building your mind on pillars of joy. Planting seeds of positivity so the roots of your inner consciousness reach deep and strong, and the nature of thought grows bright and incredible. Having every bad end in good and every thought start with hope.
Once I train my mind to always think positive first, success will only be a decision away.

Life down in the big city is playing out perfectly. I am always doubting my accomplishments until I realize I've been here only two months and I am comfortable enough to be here forever.
The stresses of my work are calming down, ESPECIALLY with a new job prospect! Apple, the computer/artist HAVEN store, has offered me a job and I am thrilled to be taking it.
The double edge sword being that they are only offering part time work (but at higher pay I am certain it will add up to the same rent being paid capability)
Also I have met an incredible group of people at Future Shop so to quit that job will be heartbreaking.
But risks and leaps are what will propel me down here so it may have to be in the cards.

I love life. Each day I wake up and my blood pumps knowing I am pursuing something not only that I love, but that so many are scared to pursue. To accomplish what I've set out for will be monumental for who I am and what I have always believed in.

Never ever be afraid of life and living. Whether I succeed or not, these moments are the ones I will reflect on in my last days.
Thank you so much to those who broke status quo and pushed me to follow this. And also, thank you to any and every artist who has made it big. You are a living example, no more human than I, that success is but a decision away.

God bless,

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