Friday, October 30, 2009

Let Us Change Our World....

This blog will be short but possibly one of the most important blogs I'll write...

I watched a film today called Zeitgeist. It is an independent film created to illustrate the reality of the world we live in. It is a very, very powerful film and an incredible eye opener. I am recommending everyone I know to watch it.
I send this remark not so you will watch the film and agree with everything that is told, but instead that you will watch the film and ponder. Watch it with a friend and afterwards discuss the topics. I simply wish to ignite something inside everyone who reads this blog, that helps fuel change for our future.

There are two parts to this film and if you have the time I HIGHLY recommend watching both. They are full length documentaries so make sure you have the time to finish it fully.

They are strong stated and some things mentioned may be opposite to what you believe, and by golly thats what it's all about!

They focus mostly on the way the world is and is run now, and how, with a little bit of spit and vinegar, from us, the generations of today and tomorrow, we can make the world a truly incredible place to live. As of now however there is plenty of corruption. Corruption that I myself had been ignorant to until watching these films.

We are powerful, brilliant human beings and our nations can and should be united as one world.
Possibilities are endless if we avoid suppression. Renewable resources are at our fingertips and peace is so easily attained.

All of this will be illustrated in the films. I promise you they will make you think and what a beautiful thing it will be.
So I ask you, from the bottom of my little heart, find a friend, grab a delicious plate of cheesy nachos or other movie snack of sorts, sit down, and open your mind. Let yourself live fully and lets change the world. All of us together!

Information on the movement:


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