Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Best Year Ever...

I've made it my ultimatum that 2010 will be the most successful, productive year of my life.

That being said, I've completely accepted the fact that with all of that teeming success comes oodles and oodles of struggle and turmoil. Thank you very much balance of the universe! Jerk.

New year resolutions include:
Staying organized (work, money, playing, practicing, staying in shape)
Slowly phasing out work at Apple for work on stages
Establishing a solid financial structure for savings
Begin work on 10,000 hours of practice on both guitar and vocals to master them both!
Read more
Document all creativity I can munger
Finish all my unfinished songs
Write many more songs
Be musically ready for the world by June ---> Have a HELLOVA summer!
Keep in touch with friends and family
Stay happy, stay healthy, stay productive.

I think that's a pretty solid list of things to do.

Ready, set, go world.
See you in 2011

1 comment:

  1. goood list. Totally achievable too fyi.
    Lets do our best to stay connected more this year please. we both have some huge struggles ahead of us and we need to keep our eye on the prize and remember that we put ourselves in this situation for a reason. a good one. and thats to kick some ass doing what we love xoxo mel
