Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Show, Another Opportunity

A big thanks to Last Night for the opportunity to open for them Thursday night. It was a great turn out and a boot load of good times. Much appreciated. Looking forward to your next show!

Last Thursday nights show was a real eye opener for me. I had never really done a bar show before. To be honest I've never really done any show where I, alone, did more than one song, not to mention many of my own songs.

Having a good response was a beautiful affirmation that I was at a no... the perfect place in my life.

Another week, another grind. As wonderful as it is for me play music as a lifestyle, it is by no means an easy hobbie... and I have barely even begun! There is so much to learn in this industry!
I spend hours and hours at a time finding new blogs, new websites, new myspaces, new tips, new tricks. Once you begin the adventure that is the world wide web, there is no end to the information available. I've also never spent so much time pushing my name into the media. When I was younger I always found it so weird how musicians would promote themselves so much, but now that I am in their position, I completely understand.
I hope I never begin to annoy anyone who follows along but instead spark an interest. I'm trying to write this blog so anyone who is curious about the music world will have their questions answered as I answer and discover my own. I have so, so much to learn and that is what intrigues me the most and what I hope intrigues anyone who reads.

Right now my life is so bombarded with information and things I need to learn that it is beginning to effect my state of mind. I'm becoming overwhelmed and a little upset that I can't accomplish everything I need to in the short amount of time I have.
I want so much to be in Toronto right now and LIVING my music, but there are some obstacles I need to conquer first at home. I want to be a better prepared musician and feel very comfortable with a long set, as to work gig jobs. I also need to be financially stable which, of course, is the most challenging aspect of any artisan dream.
Among other things, these are my most important ordeals that I am giving my all to best before September.

In terms of my web-battery of information. My myspace will hopefully be receiving the finishing touches this weekend which I am very excited for! My blog will, from here on in, be updated weekly, not biweekly! (No excuses from me on that one) Also, my facebook group has grown ten fold and for that I thank you the readers! I appreciate so much any support. It means more than you'll ever know.

I'll sign off with saying that its going to be a challenging, busy, stressful few weeks ahead, but as long as I keep my feet on the ground and my dreams in sight I'll get through it all and soon be off on the adventure of lifetime.

Goodnight everyone and anyone left,

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog...btw.. great pic.. gee i wonder who took it??? oh yeah, one of your biggest supporter and fan.
