Monday, January 24, 2011

Some Important Things...

It's funny how some things don't make sense until a certain point in life... I don't know if it's just me but I've had countless experiences when a quote that has been drilled into my head since birth, suddenly makes perfect sense to me. As though it's the first time I've ever heard this revolutionary statement. The biggest ones for me are the most common ones; Distance makes the heart grow fonder, Live everyday as though it's your last, Money isn't everything, etc etc etc. Those famous lines that you hear all the time and brush off. Until it just hits you. Maybe adults aren't as naive as I thought. Of course their not, but you can't blame someone for not listening to you if they have no idea what your talking about. It would be like me trying to explain how great something tastes to someone. Sure they hear me, but they won't really listen or understand until they sink their teeth into it. And to be honest, I listen quite a lot to my elders. I truly do try and sympathize with the advice their giving me. I respect their opinions and know they've lived a life I don't know much about. I think that's why the life lessons are so profound to me. When I've heard repetitious warnings over and over and yet, as soon as it applies to my life, it all ACTUALLY makes sense. Just a thought... Gosh has it been a while since I've blogged. If you are one to follow my life based on my blogging than you have missed quite a lot. (My fault I know) My last blog was one of lack luster hope, but hope none the less. Turns out I wasn't destined for Toronto for another year. Things came up, I left. Now living in Edmonton. Long story. Won't get into details. This whole experience has been a.. different one. I have certainly changed a great deal, and I believe I'm truly starting to make concrete my foundation of beliefs and standards. One by one all of the advice the adults in my life have lent me is forming building blocks of personal structure. I guess that's why these same old quotes have stuck around for years and years. It's not often that incorrect information sticks around for that long (except maybe when it comes to politics) so I best be taking note of it. As mentioned before however, there is only so much credit I can give advice I have yet to experience. I have to witness and work it out in my own mind for it to apply and I'm grateful for that. I do rather enjoy living. It's like a giant puzzle. Different pieces fitting themselves together. Discovering new things about the world and yourself. Figuring out mental mysteries and coming to sincere conclusions. It's very entertaining. Sometimes exhausting, but entertaining none the less. Most important things I've learned since my move: Patience. My oh my did patience and I not get along. My wrestle with patience was completely due to fiery, uncalculated, young-buck-ism. It was my own personal fuck you to the system. I was positive I could live my life as fast as possible. Get everything done quickly. Learn as much, do as much, and be the best at so much in short amounts of time. (Just ask my grade 4 teacher, Ms.Purdon. It was on more than one occasion that she told me to slow down on tests) I don't know where this mentality came from. Maybe it was my cry of mediocrity? If I always finished first I would stand out (The actual mark didn't matter) Or perhaps it was dawned when I first let the phrase "We only live once" really sink in. From that day on I promised myself I would try and experience EVERYTHING life had to offer. Because I did, after all, only have one go. So rushing through everything was the only way to accomplish this. Was I ever wrong. And I'll openly admit my mistake on this one. Patience might be the most beautiful, necessary thing in life. And god are their countless "patience is virtue" quotes that I've condescended over the years. No longer. Patience is my new goal and my new project. I have 21 years of brain re-wiring to do but I'll get there. Incredible things are accomplished with patience. Life is long, let it be so. This one virtue will most likely be the one I drill into my children's head one day. Money. Guess what everyone? Money ISN'T everything. Profound eh? Right now I feel like I'm the first who's ever said that. I won't go into heavy details about money because it's boring but, long story short. I've hung out with people who have no money, and I've hung out with people who have tons of money. The beautiful irony to it is: Both parties are equally in debt. Yet the people who never had money don't work nearly as hard (against their will), and seem a lot more free. Sure their house isn't as nice and they don't have 3 cars, 2 quads and a butler, but who needs it. Also, if they were to lose everything that day, they wouldn't lose a whole lot. As opposed to those with a whole lot. Wait, wait, wait.... The bigger they are the harder they fall? The more you have, the more you have to loose? Dammit. Another moment of repeated truth. Things don't matter. I moved out here to make more money. Funny thing is, the more money I made the less I wanted stuff. I found more satisfaction in working hard and accomplishing my job than I did the spoils of such. Which, to me, was a HUGE ground breaking moment in my growth. I have developed a seriously new outlook on working hard and following through. It's almost liberating actually. Finally, Company. Life is about socialization. The greatest achievements of man kind have been developed and accomplished through cooperation. As will the next greatest things. I also moved out here because I missed my family and I missed being social with them. Problem was, I didn't try and be social in Toronto. I tried to be lone wolf, and convinced myself that picking up the phone and calling someone didn't count as socializing. Once again, my bad. Phone calls are a heck of a lot of fun! So is Skype and things of the like. I also didn't think I had any good friends in Toronto, yet, now sitting here in Edmonton, I'm missing people who I didn't even make effort to hang out with! How CRAZY is that?! I was on a mission to make myself unhappy it seems. I've tried to determine why, and can't give you a good answer. I don't think I knew I was doing it. So if I may give some advice as a closing statement. Too all those younger than I, respect your seniors ;) and to all those older, make sure I'm getting this right. Take time in life. Life is long and beautiful and the more you rush the more you miss. Don't let life become routine, find something new and wonderful in each day. It's there if you actively seek it. Don't feel discouraged if it takes you a while to accomplish something. Do you think the golden gate bridge was built over night? (Dammit! That one too?!) You can have a lot of fun slowing things down and breathing. If we only live once, why rush it? Make it last. Let go of things. Stuff is nice and getting things is fun, but they are a million times more rewarding if you have worked hard for them. Treat yourself for accomplishing things and find wealth and value in the work you do. Achievement is more valuable than the prize. Heck achievement IS the prize. The prize is just the memento. Like the shot glass you buy on your trip to mexico that says "I got really drunk in Mexico" on the side. I'd imagine the winner of a gold medal in the olympics doesn't remember the piece of metal on the mantle, they remember the experience and feeling of winning, no? Socialize. Be friendly and make friends. I like to believe that everyone on earth enjoys having a friend and making friends. Embrace those who have come into your life and find value in them. A lot of them have done some pretty interesting things. Sit down, have a chat, see a show, find company. Being alone only lasts long. Laughing at my own jokes isn't as fun as having other people around to pretend to laugh at my jokes. Now I don't imagine you will all sit here, read this blog and have a profound awakening. I don't expect you to. The reason this all means so much to me is because it has presented itself to me when I was willing and ready to listen. I can say confidently though that your time will come. You'll experience something in life and then all of a sudden "One in the hand is worth two in the bush" will become your new life philosophy! (What does that even mean?) Just know that when it happens, your parents told you so, so give them their proper dues. Sometimes they actually know what their talking about it seems. Whoda thunk?! To all those who have tried to teach me a lesson, I thank you dearly. Whether I listened at the time or not. I'll eventually discover what you meant and thoroughly appreciate your wisdom and guidance. I guess that's it for now. A lot of re-wiring on the go. Pretty pumped. But don't worry... This may take a while.

1 comment:

  1. You do get more than one life to work on this, but I'm all for making use the of the one at hand. love you very much, Mom
