Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy. Thank you! More please.

If you ever have the interest and well, patience, to look back on some of my older posts you'll have seen somewhat of a theme occurring in regards to timing. Or more specifically, mantras and their timing.
We're told from a very young age to live each day like it was our last. This specific saying always bothered me as it's an extremely unrealistic request. If each of us literally spent each day like it was our last the world would become a chaotic place. And, in my defence, although the saying itself disagreed with me, I would have considered myself as someone who lived relatively "last day ish."

At least that was until I finally truly understood those words.

In some regards it's melodramatic of me to say I was on my death bed. I didn't die while I was in the hospital. I don't think I went to heaven and back.** But in another regard, I think I may have come closer to the end than the doctors lead on to believe. I was alone in ICU, monitored 24 hours a day, for many months. Most of which I have zero memory. The more I look back, the more I think the situation was fairly bad.
As I've mentioned time and time again, this entire experience has been a gift for me. It's not often people have a spark ignited in them that wakes them every morning saying "I'm feeling decent, and I didn't die a couple months back. Today is a great day." Every morning I have basically that thought. What was once "live everyday as it's your last", has become "Live today as though it's a gift. Because you barely even made it this far."

Life is a gift. Everyday should be the best day of your life. Whether good things happen or not, as long as the day is grown of a bed of "I'm still alive today, therefore, it's the greatest day" you will find joy in everything.

I've been thinking of a way to better express "Live as though it's your last day." It needs to express the excitement of life, but while still being realistic to the fact that you can't do it all in one day and most days have to be sort of mundane really.

What about...

"Live your life with the passion of knowing you only live once, but with the patience of knowing you'll live forever."

If today was your last day to live, IMAGINE the fire that would be in your actions but,
if you knew that you were to live forever IMAGINE how patient you'd be in all your tasks.

Think of your last day as your entire life. Live each and every day as though life can end at any moment. You don't have to go to extremes to get things done, just make every step mean something. Take in every breath slow. Kiss every lip soft. Take every walk long. And be in every beautiful moment. People who have faced death seem to have a tangible acceptance of this, and maybe that is what's necessary to make it happen, but my god is it a freedom knowing that everyday is your greatest day ever.

Every new day is the best day I've ever had. Because of life, because of you, because of smiles and laughter and friends, and learning and words, and growing, and succeeding.

Because of breath.
Because of heart beat.

I truly live each day now as though it is a gift. If you can work towards finding that, I promise you will greet each sunrise with joy.

There is always a light that hides in the darkest places. Thank you, whether it be god, or the universe, or whatever for this challenge. I am humbled and learned. My eyes open wider everyday.

Seek this. Find this. Life will be incredible.

Happy. Thank You! More please.


**I actually may have, but that is another story for another post.

1 comment:

  1. So full of truth. So proud of you on your journey. So much love. Mom
