Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Incredible Reality....

I find the best moments in life are the ones that reinforce ones aching, unmistakeable belief in something.
As I live each and every day I continually break down the complex nature that is our existence. Everyone does this in their own respect.
I'm at an odd place trying to write a blog about a feeling I don't quite understand however, so expect an unfocused jumble of random thought.

I'll begin with weekly physical updates.
I am at work probably more than I am consciously in my home. And although I should be more focused on my music, my job is far from terrible. I am tired by the end of my days but I am surviving. It is less that I am tired and bored by the ailments of full time work, but instead I find myself more frustrated and anxious that I am not spending these long days writing or singing or creating. My medium term plan is to work my butt off these next two months, bank some money to coast with, then slow down at work in the new year to get cracka-lackin on my music. I know this is me putting off my work, but I guess this is the beginnings of the struggling artist motif. There are sacrifices to be made and lessons to learn. The benefit will be mine when I truly understand the harder times.

Mentally I am slightly loosing it. As aforementioned I am often anxious and irritable due to my body doing one thing and my heart and mind focused on another. The long days have also put sleep depravation in the mix, but it is nothing compared to my Winnipeg insomnia so I appreciate what I get. I still miss home and my friends and family.
I haven't played guitar in quite some time now and that may be what's killing me the most. I know that as soon as I pick up my baby and we begin to breathe again I'll calm down. I need to book a show I think. Clean my veins of this full time work load of crap!

Well, to be honest, this blog began with intention to be poetic, insightful and pAssionate but within the 15 minutes of me updating how draining life can be, I've become quite tired. Since I work tomorrow I feel as though sleep would be an easier choice of roads.

My only fear is that the working mans world will suppress my creative spirit.
Here's to fighting the good battle.



  1. i was on your flight to toronto
    i recognized you instantly:)


  2. Keep on Truckin Isaac, it is a long road worth taking...
